Please click on the below link to view our Statement of Certification.
Statement of Certification
Safety is our No. 1 Priority
Safety is at the centre of everything we do when delivering a job for our client. It is our greatest responsibility to ensure that all work is delivered safely, with minimal risk to our client, the public, the environment and to our own staff.
Safe Asbestos Solutions Pty Ltd holds, and works in accordance with Certified Safety Management System – AS/NZS 4801:2001 Certificate No 603723, with Australia’s leading certification body BSI. This system is the benchmark used to assess OH&S management systems in organisations. Our system is audited twice a year to ensure our safety systems are effective and are being implemented. This guarantees that all jobs are performed under exacting safety procedures.
Safe Asbestos Solutions Pty Ltd environmental policy is based on the premise that, as an asbestos removal/demolition company we have a social responsibility to minimise the effects of waste disposal within our industry. We are committed to the environment by recycling and reusing by-product materials such as concrete, metals and timbers where able, to limit landfill and reduce environmental impact. Where recycling is not an option, we always follow correct procedures of industrial waste disposal under the guidelines of the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA).